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Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, September 4, 2001 - 8:00 a.m.

Board Room - County Administration Building

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Morren; Commissioners Elaine Buege, Katherine Kuhn, Roger Morgan, Dan Koorndyk, James Vaughn, Michael Sak, and Fritz Wahlfield.

MEMBERS ABSENT:Commissioner Ted Vonk (excused).

ALSO PRESENT: County Administrator Daryl Delabbio; Assistant County Administrator Alan Vanderberg; Executive Assistant to the Board Jim Day; Civil Counsel Sherry Batzer; Management Analysts Deb Kauffman and Erika Rosebrook; Human/Community Services Coordinator Mary Swanson; Purchasing Manager Jon Denhof; Fiscal Services Director David Waichum; Sheriff Larry Stelma; Finance Director for the Health Department Bill Anstey; Director of Program Services at Community Mental Health Bob Pattullo; Director of Public Works Curt Kemppainen; Court Services Director George Doyle; Captain Tom Hillen; Facilities Management Director Jim Leach; and Senior Administrative Specialist Sandra Winchester.

NEWS MEDIA: Kyla King, Grand Rapids Press.

Mr. Morren called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.

BUDGET DISCUSSION - Audit Memorandum of Recommendations

Mr. Waichum, Mr. Delabbio, and the Committee reviewed BDO Seidman's Memorandum of Recommendation from the 2000 Audit, a copy of which is in the Board of Commissioners' Office.




  1. Approval of the Minutes of August 21, 2001
  2. Auditing of Checks and Purchase Order Activity - See Attachment A

Road Commission - $2,603,375.10

Warrants - 8736 and 9048 thru 9392 for period ending August 29, 2001

  1. Circuit Court Services - Budget Amendment - Bd. 9/13
  2. Community Mental Health - Approval of Annual Plan and Needs Assessment - Bd. 9/13
  3. Community Mental Health - Mental Health Funding Increase and Budget Amendments - Bd. 9/13
  4. Facilities Management - Janitorial Services - Kent County Courthouse - Proposal #01-09
  5. Facilities Management - Janitorial Services - 82 Ionia Bid #01-19
  6. Health Department - Budget Amendment - Women, Infants, and Children Program Funding - Bd. 9/13
  7. Public Works - Accept Municipal Landfill Cost Share Grant for Sparta Landfill - Bd. 9/13
  8. Public Works - Accept Municipal Landfill Cost Share Grant for Kentwood Landfill - Bd. 9/13
  9. Sheriff's Department - Approve Acceptance of a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice

Mr. Vaughn requested to remove items 3f and 3g from the Consent Agenda.

Ms. Kuhn moved to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda as presented.

Supported by Mrs. Buege.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to award Proposal #01-09 for Janitorial Services to Professional Maintenance of Michigan for the Kent County Courthouse in the amount of $772,200 for a three-year contract. A summary of the request follows.

  • Proposals were received from seven firms on August 23, 2001, for a three-year contract for janitorial service at the Kent County Courthouse.
  • Professional Maintenance is low bidder meeting all specifications.
  • The Purchasing Division recommends accepting the low bid for three years at $772,200.

The cost is $85,800 for the remainder of 2001 fiscal year. Funds are available in the operating budgets of the affected departments.

Mrs. Buege moved approval to award Proposal #01-09 for Janitorial Services to Professional Maintenance of Michigan for the Kent County Courthouse in the amount of $772,200 for a three-year contract.

Supported by Ms. Kuhn.

Mr. Vaughn questioned why only seven bids were received for this work.

Mr. Denhof explained that the scope of this contract is much larger than the one at 82 Ionia. As a result, not as many firms bid for the work.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to award bid #01-19 for Janitorial Services to West Michigan Janitorial Services for 82 Ionia in the amount of $110,209 for a three-year contract. A summary of the request follows.

  • Bids were received from fourteen firms on August 9, 2001, for a three-year contract for janitorial service at 82 Ionia.
  • West Michigan Janitorial is low bidder meeting all specifications.
  • The Purchasing Division recommends accepting the low bid for three years at $110,209.

The cost is $6,980 for the remainder of 2001 fiscal year. Funds are available in the operating budgets of the affected departments.

Mr. Sak moved approval to award bid #01-19 for Janitorial Services to West Michigan Janitorial Services for 82 Ionia in the amount of $110,209 for a three-year contract.

Supported by Mr. Wahlfield.

Mr. Vaughn asked why the low bidder was not chosen.

Mr. Denhof explained that the low bidder did not have the adequate equipment or personnel for the job.

Mr. Vaughn asked if minority contractors bid on this project.

Mr. Denhof noted that three firms were minority companies.

Mr. Wahlfield asked if the County could terminate the contract for non-performance.

Mr. Denhof said yes, that language is included in the contract.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners the amendment of the Landbase Administration Agreement (LBA) with Regional Geographic Information System Agency (REGIS), an Agency of the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) for parcel conversion services and to authorize the County Administrator/Controller to execute the proposed amendment. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 13, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • The Agreement for Landbase Administration (LBA) was approved by the Board of Commissioners on April 8, 1999. Per the agreement, the County Property & Description Department (now a division of the Bureau of Equalization) acts as the Landbase Administrator, or "LBA", throughout the REGIS development project. In this role, the LBA has been responsible for the development, conversion, and maintenance of GIS layers, specifically those related to the landbase. The LBA prepared the paper maps for digitization by Analytical Systems, Inc. (ASI), a contractor with the REGIS Agency.
  • ASI converted approximately 196,000 parcels per its contract with the REGIS Agency. A backlog of 14,000 parcels exists for the period of time that it took to get the REGIS parcel editor software implemented from April 1999 to January 2001. ASI submitted a bid to the REGIS Agency in the amount of $102,000 to complete conversion of the backlog. The County, through the LBA submitted a proposal to convert the backlog for the amount of $65,489 in a centralized server environment and for $40,325 in a decentralized server environment. County and REGIS staff are working to determine which option is most feasible. The County proposal includes attributes and other improvements not included in the ASI proposal. Allocating overtime hours to existing staff and the addition of temporary staff will be used to convert the backlog. REGIS will pay the County for this work. The target date for completion of backlog conversion is early December and will allow for provision of maps to the local units by the end of the year.
  • The requested action includes authorizing the County Administrator/Controller to execute this amendment after it is drafted by Civil Counsel. The REGIS Executive Board has approved this action and the full REGIS Board will consider this issue at its regular meeting on September 5th.

The funding recommendation is to increase General Fund revenues and General Fund appropriations by the amount of the contract amendment ($40,325 or $65,489, dependent upon which option is chosen).

Mr. Wahlfield moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners the amendment of the Landbase Administration Agreement (LBA) with Regional Geographic Information System Agency (REGIS), an Agency of the Grand Valley Metropolitan Council (GVMC) for parcel conversion services and to authorize the County Administrator/Controller to execute the proposed amendment.

Supported by Mr. Morgan.

Ms. Kuhn was concerned about the lack of communication with REGIS in the past and asked if that has been corrected.

Mr. Vanderberg explained that REGIS recently hired a new technical director, which has greatly improved communication.

Ms. Kuhn asked if a set of procedures for communication has been implemented.

Mr. Vanderberg answered yes, and pointed out that a technical committee is now in place and they will meet on a regular basis.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to approve Community Mental Health's annual action plan with the Michigan Department of Community Health (DCH) for the MINK (Montcalm, Ionia, Newaygo, and Kent) Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 13, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • Kent CMH serves as the Coordinating Agency for the MINK Substance Abuse region. The Michigan Department of Community Health requires each Coordinating Agency to submit an annual action plan.
  • CMH projects that 4,000 individuals will be served in FY 02, and will continue to provide immediate assistance to all populations designated as high priority by the federal government.
  • The Kent County Health Department will continue to provide prevention services for the agency, prioritizing programs that target youth (as a first priority), women prior to and during pregnancy (second priority) and individuals experiencing major life transitions, including movement to both young adulthood and older adulthood (third priority). A maximum of 25 percent of the programs are school-based, and a minimum of 75 percent are community-based services. Only programs that have been designated as "Effective Programs" by federal agencies working in the area of substance abuse are made available.
  • The $7.6 million program budget is funded with grant funds, Medicaid, liquor tax, and general funds. PA 2 of 1983 requires that 50 percent of liquor tax revenue be used for substance abuse programming. Montcalm, Ionia, and Newaygo also fund the program with their liquor tax revenues.

The funding recommendation is as follows: $7,637,028 (Grant funds: $4,884,084); Medicaid funds: $1,328,000; Local funds: $1,418,944 (Kent County Liquor Tax (PA 2 Funds): $1,055,050; Montcalm/Ionia/Newaygo Liquor Tax: $178,700; Other Local Funding: $185,194; MI Child $6,000). Funds will be included in the 2002 Budget for CMH.

Mr. Koorndyk moved to approve Community Mental Health's annual action plan with the Michigan Department of Community Health (DCH) for the MINK (Montcalm, Ionia, Newaygo, and Kent) Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency.

Supported by Mr. Morgan.

Mr. Vaughn asked if the programs being provided by the Health Department to women prior to and during pregnancy would have an affect on the infant mortality rate.

Mr. Pattullo answered yes, it should have a positive affect.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners a 60-month lease with Heilman Land Company, LLC, for a Health Department Clinic at 852 - 47th St. SW. Wyoming, to authorize Facilities Management to renovate the facility for this purpose at a cost not-to-exceed $200,000, and to approve an amendment to the CIP Budget to account for the project. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 13, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • In January 2001, the Kent County Health Department was notified that it would no longer be able to use the Wyoming Clinic site due to the landlord's (Kellogsville Board of Education) need for the space for educational purposes. Health Department and Facilities Management staff began to look for a suitable new facility, and the Wyoming site closed June 1, 2001. Clients are being temporarily referred to other clinics for service.
  • After reviewing several sites for a new clinic, Health Department and Facilities Management staff have determined that space located at 852 47th St., SW, Wyoming, with several renovations, will best and most cost-effectively meet the Department's needs.
  • In order to expedite the renovation and construction, and to allow for the renovation costs to be paid as a one-time capital expense to reduce ongoing operational costs associated with including remodeling costs in the lease, Facilities Management is recommending that the County, as tenant, design and construct any necessary renovations. Facilities Management estimates that the remodeling and furnishing will be able to be completed at a cost not-to-exceed $200,000.
  • Terms of the 60-month lease include initial payments of $2,275 per month, to be increased by three percent annually.
  • Civil Counsel has reviewed the document and approved it as to form

The funding recommendation is to transfer up to $200,000 from the Health Department's 2001 Budget to the Southwest Clinic CIP. Lease costs of $27,300 annually have been included in the Department's FY 02 budget request.

Ms. Kuhn moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval of a 60-month lease with Heilman Land Company, LLC, for a Health Department Clinic at 852 - 47th St. SW. Wyoming, to authorize Facilities Management to renovate the facility for this purpose at a cost not-to-exceed $200,000, and to approve an amendment to the CIP Budget to account for the project.

Supported by Mr. Sak.

Mrs. Buege asked what the County was paying at its previous site, and also if this cost is in line with what the County is paying at other sites.

Mr. Anstey explained that the City of Wyoming previously did not charge rent for the facility. However, because of budget constraints, they are no longer willing to do this. He added that each of the out-lying facilities are funded in different ways, but it is not out of line with what we are paying for other facilities.

Mr. Wahlfield asked about the condition of the building.

Mr. Anstey said that the building is in pretty good shape. He feels it will be a very functional site for the Health Department.

Mr. Koorndyk asked if the County has the option to lease beyond the five years.

Mr. Anstey answered yes, the County does have that option.

Mr. Leach then explained in detail some of the major repairs they will be making to the building. Their target opening date is November 15.




There being no other business for discussion, Mr. Morren declared the meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.