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Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, September 18, 2001 - 8:30 a.m.

Board Room - County Administration Building

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Morren; Commissioners Elaine Buege, Katherine Kuhn, Roger Morgan, Dan Koorndyk, James Vaughn, Michael Sak, Ted Vonk and Fritz Wahlfield.

ALSO PRESENT: County Administrator Daryl Delabbio; Assistant County Administrator Alan Vanderberg; Executive Assistant to the Board Jim Day; Civil Counsel Sherry Batzer; Management Analysts Deb Kauffman and Erika Rosebrook; Human/Community Services Coordinator Mary Swanson; Purchasing Manager Jon Denhof; Fiscal Services Director David Waichum; Financial Supervisor Marvin VanNortwick; Director of Program Services for Mental Health Bob Pattullo; Director of John Ball Zoo John Lewis; Director of Court Services George Doyle; Coordinator of Community Corrections Fran Dalton; Director of Community Development Ron Stonehouse; Director of the Parks Department Roger Sabine; Prosecuting Attorney William Forsyth; President of Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Vistors' Bureau Steve Wilson; Chair of the Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Visitors' Bureau Board Tom Schultz; Director of Administration for the Convention Bureau Debbie Blackmore; Director of Community Affairs for the Convention Bureau Janet Korn; Student Representative Joy Morin; and Senior Administrative Specialist Sandra Winchester.

NEWS MEDIA: Kyla King, Grand Rapids Press.

Mr. Morren called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.




  1. Approval of the Minutes of September 4, 2001
  2. Auditing of Checks and Purchase Order Activity - See Attachment A

    Road Commission - $2,152,685.45

    Warrants - 9394 and 9653 for period ending September 12, 2001

  3. Board of Commissioners - Lobbying Contract Extension - Public Affairs Associates - Bd. 9/27
  4. Bureau of Equalization - Geodetic Maintenance Program - Bid #01-09
  5. Community Corrections - Budget Amendment - Probation Residential Services - Bd. 9/27
  6. Community Mental Health - Budget Amendment - Substance Abuse - Bd. 9/27
  7. Health - Budget Amendment - Substance Abuse - Bd. 9/27
  8. Parks - Bid #01-23 - Brewer Park - Playground and Paths
  9. John Ball Zoological Garden - Budget Amendment - Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Grant Funds - Bd. 9/27

Mr. Sak moved to approve Consent Agenda items a thru d as presented.

Supported by Mrs. Kuhn.

Motion carried.

Mr. Wahlfield asked to withdraw item h from the Consent Agenda.

Mrs. Kuhn moved to approve Consent Agenda items e thru i (excluding h).

Supported by Mr. Morgan.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to award Bid #01-23 for construction and installation of play equipment and paths at Brewer Park to All Play Construction at a total cost of $89,258. A summary of the request follows.

  • On Monday, August 27, 2001, bids were received from six firms for the construction and installation of play equipment and paths at Brewer Park.
  • Upon review of each bid, Purchasing and the Parks Department are recommending award to the low bidder, All Play Construction.
  • All Play has submitted references, bonding and has performed satisfactory service for the County in the past.

The cost is $89,258. Funds are available in the Community Development Block Grant Brewer Park Playground and Pathways Project.

Mr. Wahlfield asked if this project is budgeted.

Mr. Delabbio answered that it is budgeted in the 2001 budget.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners a six-month suggestion program pilot for employees in the County Administration building and in the Information Technology Department. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 27, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • Over the last year, nine employees representing the departments in the County Administration building and the Information Technology Department have been meeting to develop an employee suggestion program in the County. This committee is proposing a program called "I.D.E.A.," an acronym that stands for "Innovation-Determination-Evaluation-Activation."
  • The program's goals are to encourage County employees to brainstorm constructive ideas for improving internal or external programs and services and to reward them for sharing ideas; and ultimately to increase or enhance the effectiveness of internal and external service delivery in the County.
  • Two components of the I.D.E.A. program are proposed: a suggestion component and a recognition component. Employees will be invited to either propose a good idea (suggestion) for improving or enhancing County services, or to recognize a fellow employee for stellar service "above and beyond" his/her normal job expectations.
  • Submissions will be evaluated by an inter-departmental review team appointed by the Administrator/Controller. Awards will be based on several objective criteria with points awarded for each criteria. Monetary awards will be given based on the overall score. The maximum award is $1,000. Projected expenses for the six-month pilot period are $6,000.
  • The I.D.E.A. team proposes to conduct a pilot of the program for departments in the Administration building and the IT Department for six months, or for as long as necessary to evaluate the program thoroughly. If the program is deemed successful, it will be launched throughout the County.

The cost is $6,000. Funds are available in the 2001 Administrator's Office budget. $4,000 will be made available in the 2002 Administrator's Office budget.

Mr. Koorndyk moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval of a six-month suggestion program pilot for employees in the County Administration building and in the Information Technology Department.

Supported by Mr. Wahlfield.

Mr. Vonk asked how many employees would be included in this program.

Mr. Delabbio stated it would involve approximately 250 employees.

Mr. Vonk voiced his concern about the monetary awards since the employees already receive pay increases. He also felt the judging of the awards might be too subjective.

Mr. Koorndyk said he feels this a very innovative program, and is similar to programs being used in corporate America. He added that he is confident the employees will have efficient and effective ideas.

Mr. Wahlfield pointed out that a $1,000 award could result in $10,000 in savings down the road in terms of efficiency.

Ms. Kuhn liked the program, and felt it should be kept separate from employees' pay raises.

Mr. Sak said this is a perfect vehicle for the employees to think "outside the box," and be rewarded for it.

Mr. Vonk stated he is not against the rewards program, but is against the cash awards.

Yeas: Commissioners Kuhn, Buege, Koorndyk, Morgan, Sak, Vaughn, and Wahlfield.

Nay: Commissioner Vonk.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to extend the contract with Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan, Inc. for administration of the Senior Millage Funds through December 31, 2002. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 27, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • The County's contract with the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan, Inc., (AAAWM) for administration of the senior millage program expires December 31, 2001. AAAWM is willing to continue to administer the millage at the same rate (5 percent of total service funds awarded each year - i.e. tax receipts, earned interest and unspent funds from previous years.)
  • Overall, AAAWM has met their contractual obligations with respect to millage administration. The Agency's administration of the Senior Millage funds allows for coordination of funding and funding processes and taps into existing technical expertise on programs and aging concerns.
  • A one-year extension of the contract will allow the County to evaluate some recommended changes to the process to address communication and potential conflict of interest issues, and to determine if the contractual agreement provides the most efficient and cost-effective arrangement for the administration of the contract.

The cost is $207,500. Funds are available in the Senior Millage Budget.

Mr. Sak moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval to extend the contract with Area Agency on Again of Western Michigan, Inc. for administration of the Senior Millage Funds through December 31, 2002.

Supported by Mrs. Buege.

Ms. Buege noted that one of the issues to be included in the revisions to the process was that AAAWM would submit a proposal to provide Home Support Services and that the proposal would be reviewed and recommended by the Millage Review Committee. She asked whether this arrangement would pose a conflict of interest for any of the AAAWM Board members who sit on the Millage Review Committee.

Ms. Swanson said she was not sure due to the advisory nature of the Millage Review Committee, but that she would consult with Civil Counsel and make sure that the information was made available to the Millage Review Committee and the Board of Commissioners.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners the 2002 Tourism and Promotion Plan and proposed 2002 Budget of the Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Visitors Bureau. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 27, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • The Board of Commissioners has committed 20 percent of the receipts of the Lodging Excise (Hotel/Motel) Tax to convention and tourism promotion through the Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB). This action was reaffirmed by Resolution 9-11-97-118, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 11, 1997, and by Resolution 10-23-97-136 (October 23, 1997), which approved a five-year agreement between the County and the CVB. 2002 represents the final year of the agreement with the CVB.
  • The CVB has submitted its proposed 2002 Tourism and Promotion Plan and 2002 Budget, which includes the projected uses for Lodging Excise (Hotel/Motel) Tax revenues. The CVB Budget identifies its share of the tax as $884,000, which reflects 20 percent of the total estimated $4,420,000 in Lodging Excise Tax revenues for 2002.
  • Pursuant to the operating agreement of the Grand Rapids-Kent County Convention/Arena Authority, approved March 29, 2000, by the County of Kent and the City of Grand Rapids, 2002 represents the final year that the County's pledge of 20 percent of Lodging Excise Tax proceeds be paid to the Convention & Visitors Bureau. Effective in calendar year 2003, the County's pledge of Lodging Excise Taxes will be up to $900,000 (in 2003) and in subsequent years the amount will be based upon an increase in the Consumer Price Index, but in no instance shall the amount exceed 20 percent of the Lodging Excise Tax collections.

Funds are available in the Lodging Excise Tax Fund in the proposed 2002 Budget.

Mr. Wahlfield moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners approval of the 2002 Tourism and Promotion Plan and proposed 2002 Budget of the Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Visitors Bureau.

Supported by Mr. Koorndyk.

Mr. Morren stated that Mr. Steve Wilson, President of the Convention Bureau, and Mr. Tom Schultz, Chair of the Convention Bureau, are present today to review the Tourism Promotion Plan and Budget with the Committee.

Mr. Schultz began the presentation by thanking the Board of Commissioners for the $1 million commitment to the DeVos Place for pre-marketing. He also thanked the Committee for giving him the opportunity to present the Convention Bureau's budget and promotion plan.

Mr. Schultz then reviewed a portion of Convention Bureau's 2001-2005 Strategic Plan which included the Mission Statement, their strategic planning imperatives for marketing, their organization objectives, and their performance measures.

Following Mr. Schultz's presentation, Mr. Steve Wilson and the committee discussed the Convention Bureaus' 2002 Proposed Marketing Plan and Budget.

Mrs. Buege asked if the number of rooms rented in the area is increasing.

Mr. Wilson said that they are increasing, but the Kent County/Grand Rapids area has more rooms to fill than in the past.

Ms. Kuhn pointed out that the source of the hotel/motel tax funds is from outside the City of Grand Rapids. She would like to see the areas outside of the City promoted just as much as the Convention Center and other attractions in the City.

Mr. Wilson explained that a new video has been produced and promotes the entire County as well as the City of Grand Rapids.

Ms. Kuhn commented that she would like to see a stronger effort on tourism efforts and not just the convention business.

Mr. Wilson replied that both areas are directly related. He then provided Committee members with a copy of their new brochure called "Harvest Holidays." He noted that it directly targets the leisure traveler.

Mrs. Kuhn expressed her concern about deficit budgeting. She does not feel it is a good idea to continue to increase expenses without taking in more revenues.

Mr. Morren thanked Mr. Wilson and Mr. Schultz for their presentation, and for reviewing their budget with the Committee.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to exchange 14 acres of County-owned land in the Knapp Valley Forest for 10 acres of land adjacent to Seidman Park and $130,000 from Forest Hills Public Schools, and to appropriate to the Parks Land Acquisition Fund. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 27, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • The land adjacent to Seidman Park is part of a parcel that Kent County Parks wanted to purchase as part of the land acquisition program that started in 1998. Cash flow did not permit acquisition of this parcel at that time. Forest Hills Public Schools purchased the property for development of its Environmental School Program. This land is heavily wooded with a rolling topography and meets the criteria in the 1998 Kent County Parks, Recreation, and Natural Areas Master Plan for acquiring land with good natural resources.
  • Knapp Valley Forest is a County-owned 80-acre parcel in Grand Rapids Township that currently does not have parking available. In the 1950s, the County transferred 11 acres from this location to Forest Hills Public Schools for school site development. Recently, Forest Hills approached the Parks Department regarding the possibility of expanding this site for development of an elementary school.
  • In addition to the land exchange, Kent County will receive $130,000 in recognition of the difference in land values. This was determined through an appraisal process. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has approved this exchange contingent upon the County replacing the net four-acre loss of parkland with an additional 4 acres.
  • Other contingencies include the following: 1) The property can only be used as a school site; 2) The property cannot be sold or it reverts back to Kent County Parks; 3) The general public will have the right to all outdoor recreation areas on school property during non-school hours; 4) Forest Hills Schools will construct a separate 15-20 car parking lot near the common property line for use by the public and will be in addition to zoning code parking requirements. 5) Alcott Street will not be connected to McGurie Court; 6) General adherence to the site plan is required; 7) Kent County Parks will have access for trail use from Seidman Park to Two Mile Road through Forest Hills School property.

Funding recommendation: accept $130,000 and appropriate to the Parks Acquisition Fund CIP.

Mr. Wahlfield moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to exchange 14 acres of County-owned land in the Knapp Valley Forest for 10 acres of land adjacent to Seidman Park and $130,000 from Forest Hills Public Schools, and to appropriate to the Parks Land Acquisition Fund.

Supported by Mrs. Buege.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners an increase in the County share of funding for the salary of one Assistant Prosecuting Attorney III assigned to the Metropolitan Enforcement Team from 50 percent to 100 percent. This item is proposed to go to the Board on September 27, 2001. A summary of the request follows.

  • Kent County has participated in the Metropolitan Enforcement Team (MET), a multi-jurisdictional task force that engages in actions to stop the distribution of illegal drugs and reduce drug-related violent crimes in the County.
  • A federal drug grant partially funds the MET and has been in effect since FY 1989. The above-referenced position is being eliminated from grant funding that currently provides 50 percent of the total salary cost for the position through October 1, 2001.
  • Reducing the number of FTE Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys would increase the workload for attorneys, thereby increasing processing time and jail bed usage of offenders failing to post bond.
  • Reduction in staffing this position would also require external legal counsel to process forfeitures.
  • The Human Resources Department and Administrator's Office have reviewed this request and recommend its approval.
  • The Legislative and Human Resources Committee approved this request at their meeting on September 11, 2001.

The funding recommendation is as follows: 2001 - $22,376; 2002 - $47,227. Funds are available in the Prosecuting Attorney's 2001 Budget; transfer $47,227 from Undesignated, Unreserved to the Prosecuting Attorney's 2002 Budget - Salary and Wages.

Mr. Sak moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners an increase in the County share of funding for the salary of one Assistant Prosecuting Attorney III assigned to the Metropolitan Enforcement Team from 50 percent to 100 percent.

Supported by Ms. Kuhn.

Mr. Sak was concerned that there was not an evaluation from the Administrator's Office or Human Resources Department regarding this request. The Prosecutor's Office submitted back up and justification information, but it appears there is nothing from administrative staff.

Ms. Swanson explained that when grants are received, they are looked at on a case by case basis. If the requesting department completes an analysis, the Administrator's Office or the Human Resources Department reviews it. However, some departments to do not have the resources to do an analysis, and in that situation, administrative staff does the analysis.

Mr. Forsyth pointed out that his Office Administrator completed the analysis based on work done by administrative staff about a year ago.

Mr. Vanderberg added that staff is working on a uniformed policy concerning grants.

Mrs. Buege asked if the MET program is meeting their goals. For example, if MET didn't exist, would they still need the attorney.

Mr. Forsyth said in his opinion, his office would need the attorney with or without MET.

Mrs. Kuhn feels the Prosecutor's Office has been very cautious in the past in terms of their requests for staff. As a taxpayer, she appreciates that. She feels the Prosecutor's Office is one area where staff is needed, and could be justified.

Motion carried.


  1. Candlelight Vigil

    Mr. Sak stated that he attended the Candlelight Vigil Saturday night for the September 11 tragedies, and thanked David Morren for representing the County and for his wonderful comments. Ms. Kuhn echoed those remarks.

  2. Courthouse Move

    Mr. Delabbio stated that 85 percent of the personnel moving into the Courthouse has been moved. They expect that the rest of the move will go smoothly. However, because of the logistics involved in such a big move, there may be a few snags that will have to be ironed out.


There being no other business for discussion, Mr. Morren declared the meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m.