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Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, March 26, 2002 - 8:00 a.m.

Kent County Administration Building - Room 310

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Elaine Buege; Commissioners Dan Koorndyk, Marvin Hiddema, Jack Horton, Paul Mayhue, Harold Mast, Ted Vonk, Michael Sak and Kenneth Kuipers

ALSO PRESENT: County Administrator Daryl Delabbio; Assistant County Administrators Al Vanderberg and Mary Swanson; Civil Counsel Sherry Batzer; Management Analyst Erika Rosebrook; Human Resources Director Frank Klus; Fiscal Services Director Dave Waichum; Community Mental Health Director Bonnie Huntley; CMH Employee Robin DeYoung; County Clerk Mary Hollinrake; Sheriff Larry Stelma; County Commissioners Rick Smoke and Paul McGuire; International UAW Representative Merry Smith; President of UAW Local 2600 Ginny Smith; and Sr. Administrative Specialist Pam Van Keuren

Chair Buege called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.


Ms. Swanson reviewed the memo related to the CMH Authority, including benefits, advantages and disadvantages, communications with employees, and financial implications.

Mr. Klus provided a brief summary of meetings held between the County, CMH Administration, and UAW representatives. Another meeting is scheduled in mid-April. Mr. Klus noted that benefits would remain intact for one year after the transfer, should one take place, per state statute. It will then be up to the CMH Authority to negotiate with the bargaining unit when the current contract expires on December 31, 2003.

The Committee and staff further discussed bargaining issues as a CMH Authority, administrative cost-savings of the Kent District Library and other CMH authorities, financial cost estimates, including IT and other administrative staff, and the future of CMH employees once CMH becomes an authority.


Commissioner McGuire stated he is in favor and would like support of his fellow Commissioners of revising the Military Leave Policy to allow for compensation up to six months for an emergency call up for employees who are in the military. Revising the Policy would prevent their families from any hardships and from taking an economic hit in the event an employee be called up for emergency active duty. Commissioner McGuire thanked the Human Resources Department for taking the time to address the issue.

Commissioner Smoke stated he is requesting the Committee look into the Privacy Policy concerning employee information. The current policy permits the County to provide social security numbers of its employees to insurance companies. The County's interest in doing so is based on economics of using a common identifier to prevent duplicate insurance claims. He requested from Human Resources quantification of how much money this means to the County but has yet to receive any response.

Ms. Ginny Smith, President of UAW Local 2600, stated she sent out survey results of the employees at Community Mental Health to the Board of Commissioners. Over 50 employees responded to the survey and the concerns of the employees include continuing employee and pension benefits and having a smooth transition when the change occurs considering four of the top six administrators will be retiring.


Mr. Hiddema moved to approve the March 12, 2002, minutes as written.

Supported by Mr. Sak.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to appoint Michael Price (term expiring March 31, 2004) to the Community Mental Health (CMH) Board. This request is proposed to go to the Board on March 28, 2002. A summary of the request follows:

  • CMH Board member Teresa Pawl-Knapp (term expires March 31, 2004) resigned from her appointed position on the CMH Board. Subsequently, resumes on file were reviewed and additional candidates were solicited for their interest in serving on the CMH Board.
  • A panel consisting of Commissioners Koorndyk and Buege, and CMH Board Vice-Chair Hugh Hufnagel interviewed candidates. Mr. Price is recommended by the interview subcommittee to fill the non-expired term on the CMH Board.

No cost or funding is required.

Mr. Sak moved to recommended to the Board of Commissioners to appoint Michael Price (term expiring March 31, 2004) to the Community Mental Health (CMH) Board.

Supported by Mr. Mayhue.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners an amendment to the Military Leave Policy. This request is proposed to go to the Board on April 11, 2002. A summary of the request follows:

  • When the revised personnel policies were presented to the Board of Commissioners, Commissioner McGuire requested that consideration be given to changing the policy regarding military leaves.
  • A review was completed of the Kent County Military Leave Policy as it compares to other similar employers. The comparison indicated that the County Policy is middle ground when compared with policies from other organizations.
  • A survey was also completed to determine how many Kent County employees are active in the military. The results indicated there are ten employees who are currently active in a reserve or guard component. One employee is exempt (salaried), nine are hourly and one of the hourly employees is a part time employee.
  • It is recommended to increase the time allotted for call-ups for emergency active duty to a six-month period. Emergency active duty would be defined as a compulsory call-up by the President of the United States or Governor of the State of Michigan. This would not include training or events for which an employee would "volunteer".
  • The recommended change is a greater benefit by comparison to other employers in the area. It would make Kent County a leader and would be a commitment by the County in support of the effort given by the military reserves to our national defense.
  • The cost of this recommendation if each employee were to be called to serve would not exceed $130,000 annually, including benefits.

No funding is required. Cost of this benefit increase would come from budgeted funds.

Mr. Koorndyk moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners an amendment to the Military Leave Policy.

Supported by Mr. Sak.

Mr. Kuipers asked if this change is immediate and what happens if a bargaining unit chooses to bargain the issue.

Mr. Klus stated all unions would be notified that the policy has changed. If the unit wishes to bargain the issue, the County would negotiate with the union. If the union does not wish to bargain, the policy will become part of the labor contract.

Mr. Hiddema commented that rejecting a request for an employee to go for specific training could be incidental in terms of dollars.

Mr. Klus stated that there have been situations where people are gone for six months or longer for volunteer training. Although the money is not an issue, it does put a burden on the department when an employee is gone for a period of time and the work falls on other employees. When someone who is called for emergency active duty and taken out of the workplace for a period of time, a six month compensated time period would allow for a transition for both the department and the family being affected.

Mr. Hiddema stated the cost could become considerably more if an employee is gone for six months and his particular function needs to be continued by other employees within the department or by hiring someone to cover the workload while the employee is on leave.

Mr. Mayhue asked if training that applies to crisis situations in national emergencies is covered.

Mr. Klus replied employees on active duty for training would be compensated for up to 10 days per year, but if it is not an emergency compulsory call-up by the President or Governor than it would not be covered.

Mr. Mayhue stated the policy has good intentions and the County as a leader needs to position itself in such a way that other companies will follow suit.

Mr. Horton asked if there could be an unintended consequence for individuals who are in the military to be less likely hired for employment by the County.

Mr. Klus replied a department would not have any way of knowing if the individual is active in the military and therefore would not be a factor in deciding whether or not to hire the individual for employment.

Mr. Vonk commented the Policy is a nice benefit for our employees and for our Country and it is becoming more common for units to be called up for training above and beyond the normal 10 day working period.

Motion carried.


Animal Control

Mr. Sak requested a committee be appointed to look at the animal control issue and allow for community input to make determinations and recommendations to the appropriate bodies in Kent County. Allowing this would result in a better insight and perspective of all issues including response times, staffing levels, and timing issues.

Mrs. Buege commented that staff is aware that this is a County-wide issue, and with input from the neighborhood associations, staff is also looking to the City for some answers.

CMH Authority

Mr. Sak requested a list of names of the top four administrators who will be retiring from CMH.

Mr. Klus explained he would have to contact those individuals for permission to release their names. Under the retirement incentive, the names of those individuals who will be retiring will remain confidential for up to three months prior to the date of retirement unless the individual wishes to disclose that they are retiring.


There being no further business for discussion, Chair Buege adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m.