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Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, April 10, 2001 - 8:00 a.m.

Kent County Administration Building - Room 310

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rick Smoke; Commissioners Marvin Hiddema, Jack Horton, Paul Mayhue, Harold Mast, Ken Kuipers, Jack Boelema, Paul McGuire, and Tom Postmus

ALSO PRESENT: County Administrator Daryl Delabbio; Executive Assistant to the Board Jim Day; Assistant County Administrator Al Vanderberg; Civil Counsel Sherry Farrens; Management Analysts Debbie Kauffman and Erika Rosebrook; Chair of the County Building Authority Richard Rankin; Facilities Management Director Jim Leach; County Clerk Mary Hollinrake; Student Representatives Laura Mitus and Skye Schader; Student Toby Longcore; Sr. Administrative Specialist Sandra Winchester.

Chair Smoke called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.


Building Authority Chair Richard Rankin gave an overview of the County Building Authority. The four main areas appointed boards provide the Committee are 1) overview of the appointed board's mission, membership, bylaws and general operation; 2) overview of the appointed board's process for awarding contracts, reviewing budget proposals and recommendation, and reviewing performance measurement and other evaluative data; 3) overview of the appointed board's process for receiving and responding to public comment; and 4) ways in which the Legislative and Human Resources Committee or the Board of Commissioners can assist the Building Authority in fulfilling the Authority's mission or in improving information sharing with and accountability to the public. A copy of the Building Authority overview is on file in the Board of Commissioners Office.


Mr. McGuire moved to approve the March 27, 2001, minutes as written.

Supported by Mr. Hiddema.

Motion carried.




Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to appoint Judy King to the Friend of the Court Citizens Advisory Committee to fill the vacant "Representative of Non-Custodial Parent" slot for the term expiring December 31, 2001. This request is proposed to go to the Board on April 12, 2001. A summary of the request follows:

  • Al Parent has resigned from the Friend of the Court Citizens' Advisory Committee (FOCCAC). The resultant vacant slot is the "Representative of Non-Custodial Parent" and its term expires December 31, 2001.
  • Following a review of the resumes on file, Judy King was contacted and she is available to attend the remaining four meetings for this year.

Mr. Mast moved to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to appoint Judy King to the Friend of the Court Citizens Advisory Committee to fill the vacant "Representative of Non-Custodial Parent" slot for the term expiring December 31, 2001.

Supported by Mr. Postmus.

Mr. Mayhue stated he is pleased to see Ms. King appointed to a County committee.

Motion carried.


Mr. Delabbio stated approval is requested to recommend to the Board of Commissioners to adopt the Standing Rules. This request is proposed to go to the Board on April 26, 2001. A summary of the request follows:

  • The Standing Rules were adopted by the Board of Commissioners on April 22, 1999. The Board is required to adopt the Standing Rules no later than the second meeting in April of each odd-numbered year.
  • The Board of Commissioners' Standing Rules Subcommittee (Chair Heacock, Vice-Chair Morren, Commissioners Horton, Mast, and Smoke) reviewed the Standing Rules. Suggestions and changes to the Standing Rules were solicited from all Commissioners in January 2001.
  • The proposed Standing Rules are a result of Commissioners' input and routine language review by Civil Counsel. A "redlined" copy of the Standing Rules was provided to the members highlighting changes and deletions, including recommendations made at the March 13, 2001, Legislative and Human Resources Committee meeting.
  • The Standing Rules Subcommittee and Civil Counsel recommend the Standing Rules as presented.

Mr. Postmus moved to remove the Standing Rules from the table for discussion.

Supported by Mr. McGuire.

(Mr. Mast, on February 27, 2001, made the original motion to approve the Standing Rules and recommend approval to the Board, supported by Mr. McGuire).

Mr. Delabbio stated that at the March 13 Legislative Committee meeting, Mr. Kuipers asked why the compensation for non-commissioner members of boards and commissions was raised from $35 to $50. Mr. Delabbio explained that a survey of counties was conducted and it was found that the compensation ranged from $35 to $75. The subcommittee felt that $50 would be appropriate.

Mr. Mast complimented staff on the considerable amount of work they did on revising the Standing Rules before and since the March 13 Legislative Committee meeting.

Mr. Kuipers also appreciated staff's work, however, he did have a couple of questions as follows:

  1. When was the compensation rate last changed? Mr. Day said it was last changed in 1989.
  2. Clarification on Section 9.4 - Amendments to Agenda and Section 9.12A & B - Motions, Resolutions and Ordinances.

Mr. Day explained that Section 9.4 is dealing with amendments being made to the Board agenda; Section 9.12A & B deal with a motion (A) or resolution (B) that may be withdrawn at any time with the permission of the maker and the second.

Mr. Kuipers felt there is still some confusion about who is authorized to withdraw the motion or agenda item, and when. Thus, he requested that staff and Civil Counsel review the two sections again to make sure there is not a conflict. He said that as far as he is concerned, if the judgment from staff and Civil Counsel is not to change anything, he would be comfortable with that decision.

Mr. Horton noted that Section 9.12 is customary language from Roberts Rules.

Following further discussion about the clarity of Sections 9.4 and Sections 9.12, Mr. Smoke stated that there is a motion on the floor to recommend the Standing Rules to the Board of Commissioners with the changes indicated in today's documentation.

Mr. Postmus made a motion to call for the question.

Supported by Mr. Boelema.

Motion to call for the question carried.

Motion carried.


Mr. Mayhue stated he is concerned about the status of the Community Mental Health subcommittee. He would like agency directors to be given an opportunity to speak and give their opinions.

Mr. Smoke stated that this issue is still ongoing. The CMH Board had some issues they were trying to work out. He added that he anticipates Dr. Huntley will be at the next Legislative Committee meeting.


There being no further business for discussion, Chair Smoke adjourned the meeting at 9:12 a.m.