17th Judicial Circuit Mediation Evaluation

Mediation Evaluation Biography

This Website link is provided as a service and should not be interpreted as an endorsement by Kent County.

Name:  Benjamin R. Judd

Firm/Company/Employer/Agency:  Foster Swift Collins & Smith PC

Website link (if desired):  

1700 Esat Beltline NE Ste 200
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Phone:  616-726-2213

Fax:  616-726-6806

E-mail Address:  bjudd@fosterswift.com

Profession of Origin:  Attorney   (Attorney, Psychologist, etc.)

Educational Background:  

Other Information:  

Other Languages:  

Mediator's Rates and Charges:  $250 per hr

Retainer?   No


Do you charge for administrative time in scheduling the mediation?   No
if so, how much?  

Do you charge if no mediation is held?   No
if so, how much?