17th Judicial Circuit Mediation Evaluation

Mediation Evaluation Biography

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Name:  Brenda Heintzelman

Firm/Company/Employer/Agency:  Brenda Irish Heintzelman

Website link (if desired):   mimediator.com

PO Box 150674
Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Phone:  231-929-4737


E-mail Address:  irishheintzelman@gmail.com

Profession of Origin:  Real Estate Broker   (Attorney, Psychologist, etc.)

Educational Background:  2015 Juris Docor (Cooley)
2011 BA Psychology (Calvin)
2008 ASA Northwestern

Other Information:  Highly Skilled communicator with a 95% rate of full resolution in less than three hours
Creator of the "Mind Your Manners" mediator training module
Presenter at the 2018 annual ADR conference of the Michigan Bar Association

Other Languages:  

Mediator's Rates and Charges:  $200 per hr

Retainer?   No


Do you charge for administrative time in scheduling the mediation?   No
if so, how much?  

Do you charge if no mediation is held?   No
if so, how much?