17th Judicial Circuit Mediation Evaluation

Mediation Evaluation Biography

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Name:  Deborah L. Berecz

Firm/Company/Employer/Agency:  Deborah L. Berecz, PLC

Website link (if desired):   www.FamilyResolutions.us

4250 Chicago Drive SW
Suite B
Grandville MI 49418

Phone:  616-466-4131

Fax:  616-667-2285

E-mail Address:  dlb@FamilyResolutions.us

Profession of Origin:  Attorney   (Attorney, Psychologist, etc.)

Educational Background:  Juris Doctor, Notre Dame Law School

Other Information:  Has more than 1400 hours of mediation experience, previously served as chair of the ADR Section of the State Bar of Michigan and is currently President of CPIM.

Other Languages:  

Mediator's Rates and Charges:  $270 per hour

Retainer?   Yes

Amount:  $720 each party

Do you charge for administrative time in scheduling the mediation?   No
if so, how much?  

Do you charge if no mediation is held?   No
if so, how much?