Frequently Asked Questions
Tax Information
What is a delinquent tax?
If current taxes that were billed by your local treasurer on July 1st and December 1st are left unpaid, they are forwarded as delinquent to the Kent County Treasurer for collection after March 1st each year.
I did not receive a property tax bill from my local township or
Will the county waive the interest on my delinquent taxes?No. The county treasurer is required by law (sec. 211.56 of the general property tax act) to add a 4% administration fee on March 1st - the date taxes are turned over delinquent - and 1% interest per month. There is no provision for waiving these or any other fees.
Can taxes be paid with a personal check?
Yes, we also accept cashier's checks, money orders, credit cards or cash. Please make checks payable to KENT COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE
Click here for payment options -
Can I make partial payments?
Yes. Partial payments can be made at any time (a receipt will be mailed back to the address on your check) All statutory fees and interest will still be applied to the unpaid balance.
I just paid my delinquent taxes. Now I have received a shortage notice
the Treasurer’s Office.
Kent County does not accept postmarks. Your payment must be RECEIVED by our office before the end of a given month to accept that month’s payoff. If you received a shortage notice from us, we did not receive your payment the month in which you intended to pay.
My property taxes are too high. How can I challenge my taxable
Please contact the assessor in the city, township, or village where your property is.
Have you ever checked your PRE exemption status?
A Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) exempts a residence from the tax levied by a local school district for school operating purposes up to 18 mills. Section 211.7cc and 211.7dd of the General Property Tax Act, Public Act 206 of 1893, as amended, addresses PRE claims. To qualify for a PRE, a person must be a Michigan resident who owns and occupies the property as a principal residence. The PRE is a separate program from the Homestead Property Tax Credit, which is filed annually with your Michigan Individual Income Tax Return.
Are there other exemptions I may qualify for?
You may qualify for an exemption from property taxes that could reduce or eliminate future taxes. To find out if you qualify for assistance with your property taxes through the Poverty Tax Exemption, make sure to contact your city or township assessor's office.
Common Tax Problems
Have you refinanced lately?
Many people find that their mortgage company did not pay their taxes. This can happen during the transitional period following a refinance. Please be sure that your mortgage company is paying the taxes. Call your Mortgage company, they will be responsible for interest and fees if they did not pay on time.
Do you have an escrow account for your taxes?
Taxes are often left unpaid because mortgage companies miss paying them. Please watch your mortgage statements or call your local township/city treasurer's office to check that your taxes are being paid promptly. Although the mortgage company is responsible for making the payment, it is the property owner's responsibility to see that the taxes are being paid.
I am no longer the owner of this property and I keep getting delinquent
notices. How do I get my
name removed from the tax bill?
Our office does not have the authority to remove your name from a tax bill. You must visit your local township/city assessor's office within the municipality of where this property is located with proof of sale, deed, or property transfer to have your name removed from the property.
I did not receive my current tax bill. Who do I need to contact, and can
you waive penalties and
Your current tax bill is issued by your local township/city treasurer's office. Any questions or concerns regarding your current tax bill payment must be directed to your local treasurer's office. The Treasurer cannot waive any penalties and interest. The State Statue, which is mandated by law says, if you own property you will owe taxes.
Delinquent Taxes
In 1999, a Michigan law, Public Act 123 (MCL 211.78) significantly shortened the time property owners must pay their delinquent taxes before losing their property. Property owners with taxes that are 2 years delinquent may be foreclosed and the property can be sold at a public auction. Not paying taxes will result in higher interest charges and fees. Taxes that are delinquent for more than one year will have a substantially higher interest rate (1.5% per month, as opposed to the current 1%), and will have a state mandated $175 forfeiture fee.
What does “forfeiture” mean? Does that mean I lose the property?
The Forfeiture date each year is March 1st – one year after your taxes are turned over delinquent to the county treasurer. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE LOST YOUR PROPERTY. “Forfeiture”, as defined in the property tax laws, means that your property is being PREPARED for foreclosure on March 31st after the forfeiture date. In other words, you have 2 years and 1 month to pay your delinquent taxes to avoid foreclosure.
What happens on the “forfeiture” date?
The county is required to add a $175 title search fee, $60 for recording fees, plus additional interest is added to your tax bill. You must pay all your delinquent tax bill before March 1st to avoid these charges. After March 1st , the interest rate per month also increases from 1% to 1.5%
Can I get a list of foreclosed properties to purchase at your
Yes. The list is available approximately July 1st of each year. If you are looking for MORTGAGE FORECLOSURES, these are listed each week in the Grand Rapids Legal News. Mortgage foreclosures are not conducted by the County.
Principle Resident Exemption (PRE)
How to qualify for PRE?
You must own and occupy the property in which you are applying for. This is done at the local assessor’s office. Click here for Form 2368.
Is there a filing deadline to request a PRE?
Yes. On or before June 1 st to be applied to the summer billing cycle or on or before November 1 st to be applied to the winter billing cycle.
Who should I contact if I received a PRE denial from the Michigan
Department of Treasury and want
to appeal?
Submit written request for an informal conference to:
Michigan Department of Treasury
Principal Residence Exemption Unit
PO Box 30440
Lansing, MI 48909
Or by e-mail to
FAQ PRE Denial 4614 -
Who should I contact if I received a PRE denial from the local unit
or the county and want to appeal?
Michigan Tax Tribunal
Principal Residence Exemption Unit
PO Box 30232
Lansing, MI 48909
Petitions can be obtained at