Community Action
Applications & Wait Lists
Applications are OPEN for the following utilities:
- Metered Water/Sewer for all residents of Kent County
The following are CLOSED:
- Gas, electric, and deliverable fuels
(Note: Applicants must have been approved for State Emergency Relief (SER) with the Department of Health and Human Services since October 1st, but this program is now closed for new applications.) - Rental/Mortgage arrears list
To apply for metered water/sewer, follow these steps:
- Call 616-632-7950 and follow the prompts to leave a voicemail on our assistance line.
- Speak clearly and include your full name, address, and phone number in the message.
- Do not leave more than one message, as this will slow down the process.
Developing Communities. Expanding Opportunity. Improving Lives.
We strive to assist Kent County individuals, families, and communities to achieve lasting economic security and move out of poverty
The Community Action Division focuses on meeting emergency needs such as, but not limited to, food, utility assistance, housing, transportation and socialization for residents of Kent County. Additionally, we assist with areas of self-sufficiency, medical insurance enrollment, tax preparation and information and referral services.
- 2023 Annual Report
- 2023 Kent County HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
- 2024 DRAFT Kent County Community Development Annual Action Plan (AAP)
- 2023 Community Needs Assessments
- Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025
- 2022 Annual Report
- 2021 Reginal Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
- 2021-2025 Kent County and Grand Rapids Consolidated Plan
- Notice of Public Hearing and Notice of Public Availability - Proposed PHA 5 Year Plan