Sheriff's Office

Volunteer Handicap Enforcement Specialist


This is a paraprofessional position to assist sworn police personnel in the County of Kent Sheriff's Office. Volunteers in this capacity will be responsible for giving out tickets to illegally parked vehicles in handicap designated parking spaces.

Duties will include written completion of parking tickets to vehicles illegally parked, with additional duties as requested. Participants are unarmed civilian volunteers with no arrest powers. Supervision is received from a County of Kent Sheriff's Office Deputy or other immediate supervisor who reviews work for satisfactory performance of assigned responsibilities.

While our mission remains handicap education and enforcement, it is the intention of the Kent County V.I.P. Program to keep expanding and changing. We will be checking homebound persons, vacant homes, conducting Michigan Community Child Watch audits, staff Crime Prevention Information booths, along with other safety and crime prevention projects.

The tradition in partnership with the Retired or Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is encouraged and will continue, with thanks for their support.

For more information on the Handicap Enforcement Specialist please contact:

Jessica Brinks
Volunteer Coordinator
(616) 632-6221